Her Voice [E-Zine Fundraiser]


Miniature zine presented by Sustain Frame in collaboration with creators to raise funds for Jane's due process

Message from the Founder of Sustain Frame-
The topic of women's rights is significant to me as someone who has a uterus, has a daughter, and cares about the freedom of choice. The current situation we are facing is hitting me in the gut as someone who experienced my own manipulative trauma by someone else's will to control the decisions I make for my body. I can see through my own lens the chaos that this brings, fighting for the right of equality.
After taking in so much information from the media, books, and social media, I felt there was still a part of the narrative that was missing, the individual. So I wanted to take the opportunity to provide a collective communal space for people to share and outlet their feelings on how this decision has affected them or maybe their feelings about having their rights restricted. The choices of our leaders affect not just one but all.
Today we re-present 'Her Voice' as a collaborative project we hope to continue to grow. I want to provide a safe space for people to share and be heard, and perspective is crucial to creating radical change.
I want to send a huge thank you to the contributors who have already added to this project. I am so grateful that you have given me the chance to share your story and a piece of your heart with the world.
If you would like to add a submission, please feel free to email us at info@sustain-frame.com
Thank you — Krystal
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